At Franklin Acupuncture & Wellness, we use Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) to complement acupuncture and our other therapies. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a scientific test that measures over 36 essential and toxic minerals, along with 27 key mineral ratios, from a small sample of your hair. Hair is a reliable tissue for this analysis as it provides a permanent record of your body’s mineral levels and exposure to various elements.
Minerals are crucial for growth, healing, and overall well-being. They play essential roles in structural support, nerve conduction, muscle contractions, and enzyme functions. Modern factors like environmental toxins and stress can lead to mineral imbalances or deficiencies. HTMA helps identify these issues, allowing us to tailor a nutritional plan to your specific health needs.
HTMA is a valuable tool for proactive health management, offering insights that help you understand your body better and address imbalances before they become more severe. The laboratory screening costs £276. We can collect the sample during your clinic visit or send you a collection kit with instructions to use at home.
Get in touch today for a free, no-obligation quote or to learn more about our services and how we can help you.
Nicky 027 669 4430 Elaine 027 491 4169
749a Runciman road, Runciman 2578
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