Acupuncture to treat Infertility

Can Acupuncture be used to treat infertility?

Acupuncture has been used as an effective tool to treat infertility for thousands of years. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the cause of infertility is understood to be due to imbalances and or deficiencies in the body. There has been extensive research regarding the effectiveness of Acupuncture in achieving a pregnancy particularly alongside treatments in Fertility Clinics.

What can you expect when you come to Franklin Acupuncture and Wellness Centre for your first infertility treatment?

• A full physical history will be taken focussing on your past and present health status including family history.
• Analysis of Menstrual history (It is most beneficial to chart your early morning temperature for at least 3 months to aid accurate diagnosis).
• History of any previous pregnancies.
• Assessment of emotional health.
• A review of diet and lifestyle habits.
• Tongue and pulse assessment.
• Abdominal examination.
• Acupuncture treatment.

This session can take up to two hours.
At your second appointment a TCM diagnosis and treatment plan will be discussed with you.

Let’s chat

Get in touch today for a free, no-obligation quote or to learn more about our services and how we can help you.

749a Runciman road, Runciman 2578

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